This class was created by Brainscape user Chris Mackie. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

Inflammation L1-2
Inflammation is an immediate resp...,
Name and describe the 2 types of ...,
Name the 5 main signs of inflamma...
54  cards
Immunodeficiency L3
What is the cause of primary immu...,
Describe the cause of secondary i...,
List the types of primary immunod...
10  cards
Hypersensitivity L4
Which type s of hypersensitivity ...,
Which type s of hypersensitivity ...,
Describe type 1 hypersensitivity
21  cards
Allergic Disease L5
Define allergy,
Which type of hypersensitivity is...,
Describe atopic allergy
16  cards
Autoimmune Diseases L6-7
Define an autoimmune response,
Define an autoimmune disease,
What are the 2 types of autoimmun...
29  cards
Tumour Immunology L8
True or false many tumours arise ...,
True or false most tumours in imm...,
What are tumour specific antigens
17  cards
Transplant Immunology L9
Define isograft,
Define xenograft,
Define allograft
15  cards
Immunology of Pregnancy L10
Describe the immunological parado...,
Is the placenta an immune barrier,
The ______ syncytiotrophoblast is...
17  cards
Immunosuppressants L11
What 3 things are immunosuppressi...,
Describe corticosteroids,
What do mineralocorticoids control
35  cards
Immunomodulation and Immunotherapy L12
Describe hpv and its vaccine,
Describe dna free virus like part...,
What are adjuvants
33  cards
Mucosal Immunity and Eukaryotic Pathogens L13-15
What is a mucosal surface,
What 2 conflicting functions do m...,
Name the 3 levels of mucosal defence
41  cards
Cancers of the Immune System L16-17
What are lymphoid neoplasms,
List the symptoms signs on person...,
List the risk factors for develop...
7  cards
Viral Replication L18
Describe a viral genome coding mo...,
True or false viruses evolve slowly,
Starting with entry name the cycl...
16  cards
Outcomes of Viral Infection L19
Do viruses always kill the cells ...,
If we infect cells with a virus i...,
Do all virus infections cause dis...
25  cards
Acute Viral Infection L20-21
Describe acute infection 6,
Describe subclinical infection 3,
Name the disease one of the most ...
35  cards
Persistent Viral Infection L22-23
List the possible reasons as to w...,
Describe the hepatitis b virus ge...,
Describe the functions of the hbv...
11  cards
Viruses and Cancer L24
A ___1___ arises when normal cont...,
What is an oncogene,
What is a tumour suppressor gene
13  cards
Viral Chemotherapy L25
Describe rsv ig respigam,
Describe the risks of rsv ig resp...,
Describe respiratory syncytial vi...
13  cards
Retroviruses L26-28
Retroviruses have ___1___ genomes...,
Name the 3 classes of retroviruses,
What is the protein function of t...
17  cards

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clinical immunology & viral pathogens

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