This class was created by Brainscape user Denise Möhlmann. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (23)

Clinical Introduction to Multiple Sclerosis
What is the epidemiology of ms,
What is the clinical pathology of ms,
What are the possible causes of ms
6  cards
MS and therapy
What is the goal of immunomodulat...,
Why is early therapy of ms important,
What is the difference between fi...
6  cards
Immunological processes in MS
What are the 5 potential causes o...,
What is the inside out model,
What is the outside in model
12  cards
Pathology of Multiple Sclerosis
How does the pathology of large g...,
What is a hypercellular rim,
What are foamy macrophages
6  cards
Animal models for Multiple Sclerosis
What is face validity,
What is construct validity,
What is predictive validity
12  cards
Multiple sclerosis: an immune or neurodegenerative disorder?
What is the pathology of rrms,
What is the pathology of progress...,
What is direct evidence of autoim...
6  cards
Clinical aspects of Celiac disease
What are the causes of malabsorption,
What are clinical signs of malabs...,
What is the physiology of absorption
13  cards
Pathogenesis of Celiac disease
When are small bowel biopsies taken,
What is sensitivity,
What is specificity
9  cards
Immunology of Inflammatory Bowel disease
What is the difference in patholo...,
What is a m cell,
What are the beneficial functions...
6  cards
Crohns' disease
What are current research topics ...,
What is a participatory narrative...,
What are mouse models of intestin...
3  cards
Animal models for Celiac disease
How is autoimmunity against food ...,
How is autoimmunity against glute...,
What does the absence of il 10 si...
3  cards
The molecular basis of Celiac disease
Which peptides do hla dq2 and dq8...,
How can it be that gluten binds t...,
When is tissue transglutaminase p...
5  cards
Clinical aspects of AIDS
What is the pathogenesis of aids,
When will opportunistic infection...,
What are the immune disturbances ...
6  cards
Dendritic cells and HIV
What is the main recognition rece...,
Hiv 1 infects mucosal sites how d...,
What is trans infection
6  cards
Immunological aspects of AIDS
What happens to the viral load af...,
Why are cd4 t cells gradually lost,
What are trecs
4  cards
HIV vaccine development: past, present and future
What are hiv vaccine challenges,
What are the limitations of human...,
What are the disadvantages of usi...
7  cards
Autophagy and HIV
What is autophagy,
Which signal molecules are needed...,
Which e3 ligase in langerhans cel...
3  cards
New therapeutic strategies against HIV
What are microbicides,
What is the influence of factors ...
2  cards
Dendritic cells and Tolerance
What are the receptors on tolerog...,
How does the administration of to...,
What is the downside of administr...
5  cards
Immunotherapy in daily practice
What are the pros and cons of che...,
What are the pros and cons of tar...,
What are the pros and cons of imm...
6  cards
Trained immunity
What happens with the innate immu...,
When will cells use glycolysis vs...,
What happens during epigenetic re...
5  cards
Transplantation immunology
What is hla crossmatching,
What an antibody formation after ...
2  cards
Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in clinical practice
Why allogeneic transplantation,
What is autologous stem cell therapy,
What is allogeneic stem cell therapy
4  cards

More about
clinical immunology

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