This class was created by Brainscape user Amy-Claire Hunt. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Session One
Describe what radiodense radiopaq...,
Describe what radiolucent is,
What is contrast
53  cards
Session Two
How do x rays work,
What are advantages of x rays,
What are
30  cards
Session 3
What are the 5 main duty holders ...,
What does irmer stand for,
What do irmer regulations say
9  cards
What is scoliosis,
What is dextroscoliosis,
What is levoscoliosis
65  cards
What is spondylolysis,
What is spondylolisthesis anterol...,
What is retrolisthesis
27  cards
Degeneration of the Spinal Column
What type of arthritis can you ge...,
What type of arthritis can you ge...,
What type of arthritis can you ge...
28  cards
What does dish stand for,
What is dish,
What are the clinical presentatio...
19  cards
Osteoarthritis of peripheral joints and Erosive osteoarthritis
What is osteoarthritis,
What is,
What are the clinical features of
21  cards
What is juvenile rheumatoid arthr...,
What are the 3 main types of ra are,
What are the joints most commonly...
25  cards
AS, EA, PsA, Reiter's Syndrome
What is ankylosing spondylitis as,
What are the causes of,
What are the pathological feature...
23  cards
What is systemic lupus erythemato...,
What are the clinical features of...,
What are the signs and symptoms o...
11  cards
What is osteitis condensans ilii oci,
What are the clinical features of...,
What are the signs and symptoms of
13  cards
Gout, CPDD and HADD
What is crystalline deposit arthr...,
What is the classification of gout,
What are the clinical findings of...
26  cards
Osteomyelitis and Septic Arthritis
What is osteomyelitis,
What is pyogenic suppurative,
What is non pyogenic non suppurative
31  cards
Metabolic, Endocrine and Nutritional
What is osteopenia,
What is osteoporosis,
What is the epidemiology of osteo...
23  cards
Vascular conditions and neuropathic arthropathy
What are haemangiomas,
What is atherosclerosis,
What are the clinical findings of...
27  cards

More about
clinical imaging and diagnosis

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