This class was created by Brainscape user Cameron Pollock. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (70)

periodontal disease and systemic risk factors
What bmi is considered obese and ...,
What happens when we have over nu...,
Describe obesity and periodontitis
32  cards
Periodontal disease and systemic risk factors session 2 - part 1 patient case
What are the approaches to smokin...,
What are the 5 a s approach brief...,
If your patients do not want to s...
15  cards
Image Receptors 2
What are the two types of film av...,
Direct film is only used for,
When using a direct action film i...
31  cards
Radiographic techniques 2 - bitewings
The x ray beam should always be w...,
Why would you request a bitewing ...,
14  cards
craniofacial development and disorder
Describe developmental biology,
What is induction,
What is proliferation
19  cards
craniofacial (prof mossey 1)
What are the pre and post natal c...,
What are the types of growth in t...,
What are the names of the 3 disti...
36  cards
Introduction to Dental radiography & radiology
What is a radiograph,
When were radiographs first used ...,
Where are electrons found
14  cards
Dental radiographs: technique 1
What are the three types of intra...,
What are the most common extra or...,
Describe the upper maxillary occl...
23  cards
Pregnant & Nursing Patient Oral Health in Pregnancy, Drug prescribing, & the pregnant or nursing patient Dental Materials selection
Patient information,
From this image what do we need t...,
7  cards
Oral health and pregnancy
What risks are there for a pregna...,
8  cards
Image receptors 1
Digital receptors are split into ...,
Solid state sensors fall into 2 c...,
Describe psp or photostimulable p...
27  cards
Oral cancer aetiology environmental factors
What causes cancer,
Describe neoplastic cell,
Describe oral cancer
14  cards
Oral Cancer Aetiology Viruses
What does oral cancer exclude,
What are the infectious agents vi...,
What are 5 types of hpv
21  cards
Oral Cancer Screening (What is Benign)
Describe aphthous ulceration,
Describe lipoma,
Describe mucocoele
9  cards
Oral Cancer Screening - cancer
Describe red white speckled lesions,
Describe ulcerated areas,
Name what the high risk sites wit...
3  cards
Cell cycle regulation (1)
What is the definition of cell pr...,
Describe cell signals,
Define growth factor
12  cards
Cell cycle (2) (abnormal)
What is altered during oral cacin...,
What is the multistep process of ...,
What is genomics
3  cards
Stromal environment
Definition of connective tissue,
Definition of extracellular matrix,
What is the function of the extra...
9  cards
Pathogenesis of head and neck cancer (1)
What isn t included in the umbrel...,
Describe head and neck cancer,
Describe neoplasia
13  cards
pathogenesis of head and neck cancer 3
Describe oral epithelial dysplasi...,
Which sites are associated with h...,
What are the histological feature...
6  cards
What is the definition of develop...,
What are the 4 fundamental aspect...,
What are dynamic reciprocal and s...
14  cards
Arches 2
What happens to brachial arch 5,
What does pharyngeal arches consi...,
What happens to meckels cartilage
22  cards
Face, jaws, mouth: part 1
Describe fronto nasal process,
Describe cephalic end,
Describe mandibular processes
30  cards
Face, jaws, mouth: part 2
Describe hyaline cartilage,
What is cartilage and how is it made,
What are the three types of prima...
20  cards
development of the palate
Describe formation of the palate,
What is the role of the definitiv...,
Describe palatal shelve elevation
8  cards
Production of x-rays
Describe the filament cathode,
Describe the anode,
What are the 2 types of x ray spe...
18  cards
radiation safety
What are the biological effects o...,
Describe deterministic effects,
Describe deterministic effects ac...
13  cards
Composite aesthetics
What are the domains of composite...,
What is the emergence profile,
What is a diastema
13  cards
Describe ionic replacement,
Describe f and apatite solubility,
What are the theories of minerali...
6  cards
Describe pre dentine,
What is dentine composed of,
Describe dental papilla
22  cards
Describe enamel,
Describe enamel spindle formation,
Describe enamel prisms
15  cards
Describe cementogenesis,
Describe cementum,
13  cards
Extra-oral radiography
Extra oral views are mostly relat...,
Extra oral views are also related...,
Ap antero posterior
33  cards
Why is legislation necessary,
What are important points to note...,
Change in legislation 2018
19  cards
Dental panoramic tomography 2
What is a tomogram,
Describe tomography,
Describe narrow beam tomography
20  cards
Panoramic radiography
Describe panoramic radiography,
What is the problem of superimpos...,
What is the solution tomography
32  cards
Quality Assurance - Common film and digital faults
Describe pale weak image,
Incorrect exposure factor selecti...,
Describe incorrect film size
34  cards
DPT2 + panoramic anatomy
31  cards
CBCT - Cone beam computed tomography
What is the uses of ct in the hea...,
What are the advantages of ct,
Disadvantages of ct
15  cards
Alternative imaging modalities
Give examples of other modalities,
Voxels in ct cbct mri,
Ct blow out fracture changing the...
15  cards
Justification & Interpretation
Bitewings and paralleling periapi...,
Describe paralleling technique,
Selection criteria
8  cards
radiographic techniques 3
What are the basics of bisected a...,
What are reasons for utilising bi...,
Describe oblique occlusal views
10  cards
Radiology terminology
Absorbed dose,
Equivalent dose,
Effective dose
16  cards
What does peripheral receptor equal,
In terms of mechanoreception what...,
What is exteroception
22  cards
Describe kinaesthesia,
Receptors involved in proprioception,
8  cards
salivary microbiome
What is the human microbiome,
Ngs sjogren s syndrome patients,
What are high grade dental pathology
5  cards
oral environment & dry mouth
What are microbial independent fa...,
What are microbial dependent fact...,
What are microbial interactions o...
17  cards
Salivary biology
Describe secretory end piece,
Mucous acinar cells serous demilunes,
Myoepithelial cells
7  cards
salivary secretion
What are the constituents of saliva,
Mechanisms control of salivary se...,
Describe primary acinar secretion
20  cards
salivary flow and constituents
Describe the volume of saliva,
Olfactory salivary reflex,
Describe types of salivary secretion
15  cards
Pregnant and nursing patient: overview of physiology
What is the inner cell mass,
Describe trophoblast,
What are functions of the placenta
32  cards
Developmental Anomalies: Background to Tooth development
When are the first signs of tooth...,
Which tissue initiates tooth deve...,
What are the components of the st...
27  cards
TMJs + Articulators
What are the anatomical guide planes,
Mandibular movements are guided by,
So what do we need to do
14  cards
Dynamic occlusion
Describe occlusion,
Describe articulation,
Describe jaw relationship
13  cards
Control of mastication
What is the role of mastication,
Mechanics of mastication,
The chewing cycle
18  cards
Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD)
Describe temporomandibular disord...,
Describe tmd epidemiology,
Tmd aetiology continued
21  cards
Craniomandibular disorders
What splits are there for managem...,
Describe soft splint,
Describe stabilisation splints
9  cards
Treacher Collins Syndrome
Describe treacher collins syndrome,
When does it occur,
Describe the mutation
5  cards
Angle s molar classification class 1,
Angle s molar classification class 2,
Class 3
8  cards
Odontogenesis 1
What are the mineralised dental t...,
What are the unmineralized dental...,
Initiation stage
26  cards
Odontogenesis II
Bell stage,
Crown stage,
Cervical loop
5  cards
Odontogenesis III
Hartwig s epithelial root sheath ...,
Contains 3 layers,
Hyaline layer of hopewell smith
8  cards
Tooth development 4 (mineralisation)
Matrix secretory phase,
Initial mineralisation,
Later mineralisation
10  cards
tooth development 6
There are eruptive movements whic...,
Active eruption,
Passive eruption
10  cards
There are morphological differenc...,
Difference between facial viscero...,
Why are the orbits so disproporti...
7  cards
Genetics and Epigenetics: Gene expression and regulation
What are the classes of histones,
Describe chromosomal mutations,
What are epigenetic mechanisms
12  cards
Oncogenes and Tumour suppressor genes
Proto oncogenes,
Tumour suppressor genes,
Loss of function
10  cards
Cell signalling pathways
When does phosphorylation only occur,
The majority of oral cancer is,
Growth factors in oscc
4  cards
Salivary gland disorders, pathology
Heterotopic salivary tissue
25  cards
s3 perio guidance, questions for exam
What is a risk factor,
How can risk factors be categorised,
What is a local risk factor for p...
11  cards

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clinical dentistry 4

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