ccfp em (tintinalli’s 9th)

This class was created by Brainscape user Ninette Fourie. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (35)

What is sinus rhythm,
What axis of heart,
What leads are used to assess sin...
71  cards
S3C19 Pharmacology Of Antiarrhythmia Drugs And Antihypertensives
Indicators of instability in the ...,
Bradydysrhythmias can be categori...,
How is anti arrhythmia medication...
31  cards
S3C18 Cardiac Rhythm Disturbances
What makes a dysrhythmia unstable,
What is a bradydysrhytmia,
How can bradydysrhythmias be broa...
130  cards
S3C12 Approach to Nontraumatic Shock
What is shock,
What is the four categories of shock,
What factors affect cardiac output
24  cards
S14 Neurology
What is albuminocytologic dissoci...,
Peripheral neuropathy work up,
What signs suggest impending hern...
44  cards
S3C20 Pharmacology of Vasopressors and Inotropes
What is the cardiovascular effect...,
What is the indication for dopamine,
What is the dose of dopamine
46  cards
Airway + Ventilation
Name the indications for endotrac...,
Name the predictors of difficult ...,
Name the predictors of a difficul...
113  cards
S3C17 Fluids and Electrolytes
When altered fluids and electroly...,
Reestablishment of tissue perfusi...,
Because the __________ of normal ...
35  cards
S9 Gastrointestinal Disorders
What is the gold standard test fo...,
When should you consider mesenter...,
Why does pain from mesenteric isc...
19  cards
S3C11 Sudden Cardiac Death
What is the most common cardiovas...,
What are 5 characteristics of arr...,
What is the most frequent coronar...
28  cards
S13 Infectious Diseases
What is janeway lesions,
What are osler nodes,
What is the modified duke criteria
29  cards
S3C15 Acid-Base Disorders
Metabolic alkalosis classification,
Chloride sensitive metabolic alka...,
Metabolic alkalosis chloride inse...
14  cards
S4C33 Cardiac Pacing and Implanted Defibrillation
Discuss the steps for transcutane...,
What is runaway pacemaker syndrome,
List the 4 categories of pacemake...
18  cards
S3C14 Allergy and Anaphylaxis
What is the lifetime individual r...,
What is the clinical criteria for...,
______ of anaphalaxis fatalities ...
28  cards
S7C52 Syncope
When evaluating a patient with sy...,
Which of the following statements...,
A 73 year old man presents to the...
28  cards
S8 Pulmonary disorders
What is the criteria for a stable...,
What is the contraindications to ...,
Name some indications for inserti...
46  cards
S18 Hematologic and Oncologic Disorders
What is the underlying pathology ...,
The pattern of bleeding can sugge...,
Because hemophilia a and b are __...
55  cards
S12 Pediatrics
What congenital heart disorder is...,
Name 5 cyanotic heart defects,
Febrile neonate d0 29 work up
14  cards
S22 Orthopedics
What is kanavel criteria for tend...,
What is kanavel criteria for tend...,
What is the sensitivity of kanave...
49  cards
S15 Toxidromes
Describe stages of iron toxicity,
How should you manage patients wi...,
What is the treatment for lead po...
18  cards
S16 Enviromental Injuries
What is trench foot,
What is the treatment of trench foot,
What is the treatment for mild co...
20  cards
S11C98 Ectopic Pregnancy And Emergencies In The First 20 Weeks Gestation
What is the differential diagnosi...,
What is a heterotropic pregnancy,
A 40 year old woman gravida 5 par...
32  cards
Opthamology Emergencies
What are 4 signs symptoms of a re...,
Why is a retrobulbar hemorrhage a...,
What is the treatment for a retro...
48  cards
S11 Obstetrics And Gynecology
How to differentiate hyper emesis...,
Timeline for pre clamp sia,
Treatment for disseminated gonoco...
84  cards
S11C97 Abdominal pain and pelvic pain in non pregnant female
What are the main problems with i...,
Because she s in making a definit...,
In general what is the imaging mo...
17  cards
S11C96 Abnormal uterine bleeding
Normal menstrual cycle durationan...,
How come is von willebrand s dise...,
What is the most common cause of ...
16  cards
S11C103 Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
Common an atypical causes a pelvi...,
What is actinomyces puppy inflamm...,
What is pelvic inflammatory disease
25  cards
S10 Renal and Genitourinary Disorders
What are the most common causes o...,
Explain why sometimes progressive...,
List the major causes of intrinsi...
58  cards
Important structures in fast ruq ...,
How do you differentiate transuda...,
What view is this and how to get it
18  cards
S7 Cardiovascular Disease
Sick sinus syndrome,
What are the risk factors for aor...,
What factors affect the progressi...
181  cards
S5 Anagesia, Anasthesia and Procedural Sedation
Important factors to document pri...,
Who should be in the room for pro...,
Anesthesia billing
6  cards
S21 Trauma
Discuss the pathophysiology of he...,
Soft signs of penetrating neck tr...
19  cards
S20 Dermatology
Approach to drug rash,
Dress syndrome,
Tens tens
5  cards
S17 Endocrinology
Secondary causes of hyperthyroid,
Thyroid storm thyrotoxicosis
43  cards
S19 Ear Nose and Throat Disorders
Septal hematoma,
What is mucormycosis,
Diagnosis etiology presentation t...
12  cards

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ccfp em (tintinalli’s 9th)

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