This class was created by Brainscape user Ben Hallam. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (23)

Lecture 1. Food Microbiology and Food Related Pathogens
What are the three types of food ...,
What is the causative chain of in...,
What can food contamination be
54  cards
Lecture 2. Water and Microbiology
How many people are dependent on ...,
How many people globally do not h...,
How many people drink from faecal...
26  cards
Lecture 3. Microbiology Control - HACCP and Hurdle Technology
What is haccp,
What are the seven principles of ...,
What are the three or four elemen...
8  cards
Lecture 4. The Microbiome
What are all humans covered in,
What are the six main bacteria th...,
What did elie metchnikoff hypothe...
18  cards
Lecture 5. Emerging Infectious Diseases
What are defined as emerging infe...,
What are the four origins of eids,
What is the effect of population ...
22  cards
Lecture 6. Emerging Infectious Diseases - Zoonoses and the Environment
Where has human growth been large...,
What is the biodiversity intactne...,
What do wildlife species with red...
22  cards
Lecture 7. Emerging and Re-emerging Bacterial Diseases
What is an emerging disease,
What is a re emerging disease,
What is the biggest concern regar...
42  cards
Lecture 8. Antimicrobials
What are three biocides,
What are disinfectants,
What are antiseptics
27  cards
Lecture 9. Mode of Action
What are biofilms,
What are biofilm associated organ...,
What does the formation of biofil...
33  cards
Lecture 10. Nosocomial and Community Infections
What are nosocomial or healthcare...,
What are non nosocomial or commun...,
What percentage of hospitalised p...
35  cards
Lecture 11. Introduction to Superbug
What is a superbug,
What are examples of superbugs,
When was penicillin discovered
28  cards
Lecture 12. Key Gram Negative Superbug
What nosocomial infections can ps...,
How many hospital acquired infect...,
What are examples of reservoirs o...
23  cards
Lecture 13. Key Gram Positive Superbug - Staphylococcus aureus
What is the only molecule that st...,
What is catalase used for,
What are the likely reasons for t...
20  cards
Lecture 14. Non Communicable Disease Epidemiology: Making Associations
What association did richard doll...,
What was doll s approach that bec...,
What are retrospective studies
22  cards
Lecture 15. Non Communicable Disease Epidemiology
What are noncommunicable diseases...,
How many deaths each year are cau...,
What are the three highest causes...
31  cards
Lecture 16. Ageing 1. Demographics
What is ageing,
What is ageing characterised by,
What are physical signs of ageing
14  cards
Lecture 17. Ageing 2. Genetics
Are there mutations that decrease...,
What is the incidence,
What is the lifespan of those wit...
49  cards
Lecture 18. Ageing 3. Proteostasis and Caloric Restriction
What is the protein turnover rate...,
What is the protein turnover rate...,
What are proteasomes
41  cards
Lecture 19. Ageing 4. The Hallmarks of Ageing and Dietary Intervention
What are the primary hallmarks of...,
What are examples of the primary ...,
What causes dna damage
34  cards
Lecture 20. A Brief History of Bioterrorism/Biological Warfare
What is biological warfare bw,
What is bioterrorism,
What was the hittie plague
21  cards
Lecture 21. Biowarfare - Four Key Bacteria
What are the three bioterror agen...,
What are category a bioterror agents,
What are examples of bacterial ca...
55  cards
Lecture 22. Biowarfare - Scenarios and Viruses
What are top officials exercises ...,
What was the hanuman redux exercise,
How can anthrax spores be detected
15  cards
Lecture 23. Biowarfare - Toxins, Recent Events and 'flu
What has ricin been used for,
What is ricin similar to,
What is the mode of action in bot...
10  cards

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bs131: health & the community

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