brain and behaviour

This class was created by Brainscape user Bray James. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (10)

Introduction & Module 4.1 - Genetics & Evolution of Behaviour
What is biological psychology,
What is the physiological explana...,
What is the ontogenetic explanation
56  cards
Chapter 1 - Nerve Cells & Nerve Impulses
How do neurons transmit signals,
What do astrocytes do,
How were the purposes of glia dis...
102  cards
Chapter 2 - Synapses & Module 14.1 - Substance Use & Addiction
How did sherrington discover syna...,
What is a reflex arc,
What is temporal summation
134  cards
Chapter 3 - Anatomy & Research Methods & Module 4.3 - Plasticity after Brain Damage
What is the central nervous syste...,
What is the peripheral nervous sy...,
What is the somatic nervous system
118  cards
Chapter 5 - Vision
How do you see an object,
What did johannes muller discover,
What is the law of specific energies
84  cards
Chapter 6 - Audition & Mechanical Sense
What is amplitude of a sound wave,
What is frequency,
What is pitch
145  cards
Chapter 7 - Movement
What is the primary motor cortex,
What does stimulation of neurons ...,
Where does planning of a movement...
79  cards
Chapter 11 - Emotional Behaviour
What systems do emotional situati...,
What is the james lange theory,
What is pure autonomic failure
123  cards
Chapter 12 - Biology of Learning & Memory
What is instrumental conditioning,
What did thompson do,
What part of the brain is essenti...
100  cards
Chapter 14 - Psychological Disorders
What is major depressive disorder,
What is the relationship between ...,
What area of the brain do people ...
94  cards

More about
brain and behaviour

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Learn faster with Brainscape on your web, iPhone, or Android device. Study Bray James's Brain and Behaviour flashcards for their Massey university class now!

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