This class was created by Brainscape user Kayla Brackman. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Staphylococcal species is gram___...,
Streptococcal species is gram ___...,
Enterococcal species is gram___ a...
327  cards
Selected Normal Human Flora
Oral cavity,
Upper airways,
10  cards
Bacteria Classification
50  cards
Pathogens & Diseases
Mycobacterium tuberculosis,
Chlamydia pneumoniae,
Chlamydia trachomatis
35  cards
Microbes & Associated Diseases
69  cards
Which clostridia cause flaccid pa...,
Which organism causes gas gangrene,
Treatment induced infections are ...
55  cards
B-Lactam Intro
Why can t beta lactams be complet...,
What are the four classes of beta...,
Are beta lactams time dependent o...
40  cards
Penicillin I
What was the first penicillin wit...,
What is a popular penicillin comb...,
Augmentin contains a combination of
45  cards
Penicillin II
Why has amoxicillin largely repla...,
Why does amoxicillin not cause di...,
What was the first penicillin tha...
44  cards
Cephalosporins Gen 1-4
What is different between the str...,
What organism are cephalosporins ...,
Which cephalosporin is the parent...
59  cards
Cephalosporins Gen 5
Which 5th gen cephalosporin is on...,
Which two types of infections are...,
Why are 5th generation cephalospo...
44  cards
Carbapenems and Monobactams
What was the first carbapenem to ...,
What is the root drug for all the...,
What are the four carbapenems
23  cards
Block 3
14  cards

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