This class was created by Brainscape user Fiona Lair. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (27)

Components of general anesthesia,
Why is it necessary,
14  cards
Anesthesia Machine
What would result from delivering...,
Minimum o2 requirement for anesth...,
Metabolic o2 requirement
49  cards
Breathing Systems
Two types of breathing systems,
Rebreathing tube types,
Non rebreathing tube types
46  cards
Inhalant Anesthetics
Why use inhalant anesthetics,
Nitrous oxide,
79  cards
Patient Evaluation
Pre anesthetic patient evaluation,
What weight should you use for ob...,
Iv drugs should always be given to
35  cards
Premedication Drugs
Purposes of premedication,
Drugs classes used in premedication,
Moa anticholinergics
89  cards
Induction Anesthetics
Purpose of induction,
Injectable induction anesthetics,
Ketamine cardiovascular effects
23  cards
Depth of Anesthesia
Signs used to monitor anesthetic ...,
How do you monitor neurologic dep...,
Bispectral analysis
42  cards
Cardiovascular systeem, ECG, Blood pressure, and Temp
Should low tech monitoring be use...,
Specialized equipment,
When should animals be monitored
46  cards
Ventilation and Oxygenation
High paco2,
Low paco2,
Normal arterial co2
37  cards
Blood Gas Analysis
T f h is constantly being produce...,
What organs are involved in acid ...,
What are the chemical buffers in ...
41  cards
Mechanical Ventilation
How does anesthesia affect ventil...,
How can ventilation affect anesth...,
What is ventilation defined by
61  cards
Small animal extubation,
What should be done if regurge ha...,
Small animal recovery monitor
30  cards
Intravenous anesthesia and analgesia
Balanced anesthesia
16  cards
Neuromuscular Blockers
What do neuromuscluar blocking dr...,
What is the result of a neuromusc...,
What are some indications for nmbs
41  cards
What are two indications for reha...,
What are the two goals of rehabil...,
What three things have to be dete...
41  cards
Cardiovascular Drugs
What are the primary effects of i...,
What are the primary effects of p...,
What are the primary effects of o...
58  cards
What is cardiopulmonary arrest,
Is apnea the same as respiratory ...,
What is respiratory arrest typica...
76  cards
Blood Loss and Transfusions
What is a blood transfusion,
What is the purpose of a transfusion,
What is the percentage of blood l...
61  cards
Fluid Therapy
What are the roles of water in th...,
What percentage of body weight is...,
What percentage of body weight is...
60  cards
Local Anesthetics
What was the first local anesthet...,
What is unique to cocaine as a la,
Is cocaine still in use today if ...
63  cards
Locoregional Nerve Blocks- Small Animal
What are the four methods of loca...,
What are two types of topical ane...,
Do lidoderm patches provide a com...
66  cards
Locoregional Nerve Blocks- Large Animal
What species are auriculopalpebra...,
T f auriculopalpebral blocks are ...,
Where is the injection placed for...
42  cards
What does nsaid stand for,
What are the effects of nsaids 3,
T f nsaids have a shorter duratio...
47  cards
Pain Management
Definition physiologic pain,
Definition acute pain,
Definition chronic pain
49  cards
Pain Asessment and Treatment
What are some painful dog behaviors,
What is the praying position indi...,
What are some painful cat behaviors
40  cards
Endocrine Disease
What is the most worrisome effect...,
What are the two phases of the st...,
What is another name for the seco...
23  cards

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