This class was created by Brainscape user Tulip 549. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (27)

Opioids and Pain Medicine
What is an opioid agonist antagonist,
Name 4 opioid agonists antagonists,
What receptors do opioid agonists...
89  cards
Local Anesthetics
What role do local anesthetics pl...,
How are local anesthetics classified,
Name commonly used ester local an...
24  cards
Blood Products and Coagulation
What components of blood are avai...,
What is cpda,
How much does one unit of prbcs r...
47  cards
Neuraxial Analgesia
T or f epidural infusions lasting...,
T or f epidurally administered op...,
T or f opioids with intermediate ...
28  cards
Cardiac Anatomy and Physiology
What are the determinants of myoc...,
How can myocardial oxygen demand ...,
What is laplace s law
55  cards
Cardiac Anesthesia
Important things to know about pr...,
Why do we administer cardiovascul...,
In layman s terms describe the fr...
36  cards
Cardiopulmonary Bypass
What are the three basic componen...,
What type of pumps exist in cpb w...,
What is prime
35  cards
Oral Boards General Questions
List a differential diagnosis to ...,
List a differential diagnosis for...,
List differential diagnosis to hy...
8  cards
Thoracic Surgery, Pulmonary Physiology, Obesity, and Hemoglobin
What are important considerations...,
What are pack years,
On physical examination of the th...
58  cards
Regional Anesthesia
Of the spinal nerve roots what do...,
Does the posterior nerve root car...,
What type of block can be used fo...
27  cards
Hematology and Transfusion
Why are patients at risk of throm...,
What is bridging anticoagulation,
How is bridging anticoagulation g...
80  cards
Pediatric Anesthesia
Name the components of tetrology ...,
What syndrome is highly associate...,
What are two coexisting diseases ...
49  cards
Critical Care
What are the components of ards,
What is involved in lpv,
Describe delirium
70  cards
Neuromuscular Blockade
Mechanism of action of non depola...,
True or false non depolarizing mu...,
True or false block recovery afte...
23  cards
Volatile Anesthetics
How does halothane cause adverse ...,
T or f the most significant cause...,
T or f inhalational agents cause ...
31  cards
Intravenous Medications and Adjuncts
What is the treatment of malignan...,
T or f dantrolene must be reconst...,
T or f ph of dantrolene is high i...
48  cards
Liver Disease, Renal Disease, Endocrine Disease, and Thermoregulation
What are alterations in the hemos...,
What alterations in the hemostati...,
T or f in a liver transplant case...
27  cards
Describe cerebral salt wasting,
Describe siadh,
For the management of anesthesia ...
64  cards
What is the defective channel res...,
What are symptoms associated with...,
T or f with respect to gerd gastr...
20  cards
Obstetric Anesthesia
T or f beyond the 5th month of pr...,
T or f during apnea pregnant wome...,
T or f pregnancy is a state of re...
90  cards
Airway Management
T or f smokers have increased rat...,
T or f smoking is associated with...,
T or f the following criteria hav...
25  cards
What is a null hypothesis,
What is a type 1 error,
What is a type 2 error
6  cards
Transplant Anesthesia
What are the maximum ischemic tim...,
T or f brain death is associated ...,
T or f just after brain death adr...
11  cards
Anesthetic Machines
What is a vaporizer interlock system,
T or f all recently manufactured ...,
T or f notification by the manufa...
18  cards
Treatment of pulseless v tach,
Treatment of v fib,
Which group of patients are more ...
8  cards
Herbal Supplements
Herbal supplements that increase ...
10  cards
Opioids and Pain Medicine COPY
What is an opioid agonist antagonist,
Name 4 opioid agonists antagonists,
What receptors do opioid agonists...
89  cards

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