anatomy dissection

This class was created by Brainscape user Liz Jarzembowski. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (39)

Ch 2 Integumentary System
Integumentary system,
Functions of skin 5,
Layers 2
25  cards
Ch 1 General Principles of Anatomy
Anatomy define,
Methods of study,
Systemic method of study
30  cards
Ch 3 Skeletal System
Skeletal system define,
Functions of skeleton 5,
Bone 4 type
36  cards
Ch 4 Articular System
Joint articulation,
Fibrous joint
24  cards
Ch 5 Muscular System
Muscular system define,
Properties of muscle tissue 5,
Classification of muscle on nervo...
27  cards
Ch 6 Vertebral Column
Vertebral column,
Functions of vertebral column,
Bones of the back 3 type
60  cards
Ch 7 Musculature of the Back
Bones involved in back muscle att...,
Vertebral areas of attachment,
Scapular points of attachment
106  cards
Ch 8 Articulations of the Vertebral Column
Articulations between vertebral b...,
Intervertebral discs,
Anulus fibrosus
64  cards
Ch 9 Spinal Cord and Meninges
Gray matter a,
White matter b,
Dorsal root
120  cards
Exam 1 Lab Structures Practice
What structure shares an innervat...,
The muscles superior to the pinne...,
What is muscle superficial to the...
22  cards
Exam 2 Lab Structure Practice
What is this structure,
What is this structure,
What is this strcture
208  cards
Ch 10 Bones of the Skull
4 functions of the skull,
Number of cranial and facial bones,
Most bones of the skull are joine...
107  cards
Ch 11 Joints of the Skull
True or false there are ligaments...,
What kind of joint are sutures of...,
What type of fibrous joints are s...
35  cards
Ch 12 Scalp and Cranial Cavity
The scalp consists of _ layers of...,
The 5 layers of the scalp are,
The _ 3 layers of the scalp are c...
66  cards
Ch 13 Brain
Cerebrum contains 2 _,
True or false the largest part of...,
_ are convolutions of the cerebru...
55  cards
Ch 20 Neck
The neck has 8 bones _ of which a...,
The hyoid bone lies on the _ port...,
The hyoid bone s body is _ and ha...
137  cards
Ch 14 CSF Flow Pattern
The 4 ventricles that make up the...,
True or false the 4 ventricles of...,
A cavity existing in the interior...
29  cards
Ch 15 Cranial Nerves
Cn 1,
Cn 2,
Cn iii
45  cards
Ch 16 Nasal Cavity
Parts of external nose 5,
The _ is the tip of the nose,
The _ is the base of the nose whe...
74  cards
Ch 18 Pharynx
The pharynx is part of the _ and ...,
The pharynx is about _ cm long,
The pharynx extends from the _ of...
56  cards
Ch 19 Larynx
The _ is a cartilaginous organ fo...,
3 main functions of the larynx,
4 main types of cartilage making ...
77  cards
Exam 3 Lab Structure Practice
Name the valve and list the compo...,
211  cards
Ch 26 Heart
The _ system is concerned with th...,
True or false the heart is made u...,
True or false the blood flow runs...
105  cards
Ch 32 Digestive System Organology
The _ system is the system of the...,
The organs of the digestive syste...,
The _ nervous system which is par...
152  cards
Ch 24 Thoracic Wall
The function of the thoracic wall...,
The sternum is aka,
The sternum is the _ _ found at t...
94  cards
Ch 25 Mediastinum
The mediastinum is he space betwe...,
Media in latin means,
Instestinum in latin means
54  cards
Ch 27 Blood Vessels
_ _ carry blood from the heart to...,
The space within the blood vessel...,
5 types of blood vessels
15  cards
Ch 28 Lymphatic System
There is _ fluid filtered out of ...,
Excess fluid filtered out of the ...,
Lymphatic capillaries pick up exc...
14  cards
Ch 31 Abdominal Wall
The abdomen is the portion of the...,
The abdomen consists of an outer ...,
The abdominal wall is subdivided ...
61  cards
Ch 30 ANS
Both the somatic nervous system a...,
The nervous system is divided int...,
In bot the ans and somatic nervou...
18  cards
Ch 33 Urinary System
The urinary system is the part of...,
The urinary system consists of 4 ...,
The kidney is a bean shaped organ...
26  cards
Ch 29 Respiratory System
The _ system of the body is conce...,
The 2 phases of the respiratory s...,
T f the conductive phase of the r...
50  cards
Ch 34 Male Reproductive System
Sperm flows in the following order,
A testis contains many _ _ that p...,
The testes are found _ to the abd...
30  cards
Ch 35 Female Reproductive System
Ova flow thru the female reproduc...,
Structures of the female reproduc...,
The _ is the female gonad and is ...
34  cards
Exam 4 Lab Structure Practice
99999999999999999999999999999999 8,
272  cards
Ch 50 Consolidated Regions and Musculature of Upper Limb
Regions of the upper limb 8 items,
86  cards
Ch 51 Consolidated Neurovasculature of Upper Limb
The brachial plexus is a network ...,
Spinal nerve plexuses are only de...
160  cards
Ch 61 Consolidated Regions and Musculature of the Lower Limb
Regions of the lower limbs 7 items,
109  cards
Ch 62 Consolidated Neurovasculature of the Lower Limb
The lumbosacral plexus supplies t...,
The lumbosacral plexus is formed ...,
The lumbosacral plexus can be sub...
99  cards

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anatomy dissection

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