anatomy and physiology i

This class was created by Brainscape user Brad H. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (30)

Lab Test 1 Diagrams
107  cards
Lab Test 1 CH1
Smallest unit of matter that has ...,
Two or more atoms eg h2o,
More complex molecules eg dna
112  cards
Lab Test 1 CH5
Lining against the organ,
Lining against the cavity wall,
Lining against the heart
82  cards
Lab Test 1 CH6
Skin and its derivatives nails ha...,
Another name for the integument,
Two distinct layers a layer of st...
29  cards
Lec Test 1 CH2
Any substance that has mass and o...,
Solid liquid gas,
Proton neutron electron
82  cards
Lec Test 1 CH4
What are the smallest the functio...,
Three main structural features of...,
The cell membrane that forms the ...
74  cards
Lec Test 1 CH5
Relatively undifferentiated cells...,
What are the four main types of t...,
What are the functions of epithel...
67  cards
Lec Test 1 CH1
The study of structure and form,
Scientists who study the structur...,
The study of function of the body...
56  cards
Lab 2-D
237  cards
Lab 2-D2
104  cards
Lab 2-8 (1)
What does the glenoid fossa cavit...,
What does the humeral head attach to,
What does greater mean in greater...
66  cards
Lec 2-6 (1)
Study of skin,
Describe variations in the epider...,
Describe variations in the epider...
62  cards
Lec 2-7
Four types of bone cells,
Bone cell growth cycle,
Bone stem cells and turn into ost...
109  cards
Lec 2-9
The angle between articulating bo...,
The angle between bones increases...,
Vertebral column bends in a later...
74  cards
LB 3-D
138  cards
LB 3-12
Neurons between sensory and motor...,
Three functional types of neurons,
Two classification of nervous system
81  cards
LB 3-11
Muscles that have both their orig...,
Muscles that control the movement...,
The less moveable attachment of a...
34  cards
LC 3-12
Connection between nerve and anot...,
Two type of synapses,
Type of synapse that is least com...
131  cards
LC 3-10
Two types of muscle fascia,
Layer that separates muscle layer...,
Layer that wraps groups of muscles
140  cards
LC 3-12B
All pumps require what to function,
Primary pump used in nervous system,
Passive channels that are always ...
39  cards
LB 4-D
198  cards
LB 4-D1
99  cards
LB 4-D2
97  cards
LB 4-13
What are the four major regions o...,
Five lobes of the brain,
Acute brain damage that occurs as...
117  cards
LB 4-16
Curved thick hair that keep sweat...,
Hairs that extend from margin of ...,
Function of tears
47  cards
LC 4-13
What are the differences between ...,
White matter tract that connects ...,
Lobe primarily concerned with vol...
128  cards
LC 4-15
Nervous system whose function is ...,
Both sympathetic and parasympathe...,
Division of autonomic that has lo...
53  cards
LC 4-16
Receptors found in skin joints mu...,
Receptors found in walls of organ...,
Receptors for gustation olfaction...
92  cards
LC 4-14 (1)
Specific segments of the skin sup...,
Disorder of reactivation of chick...,
Three sensory pathways
55  cards
LB 4-14
Set of nerves that come from the ...,
Names of all 31 spinal nerves,
Spinal cord ends where
73  cards

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anatomy and physiology i

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