This class was created by Brainscape user Katie Connew. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (22)

What is the requirement for colos...,
What are the clinical signs of wa...,
What are the normal behaviours of...
27  cards
Dog Health AHW
What is the resting heart rate ra...,
What is the normal respiratory ra...,
What is the normal rectal tempera...
51  cards
Cattle AHW
What are the meanings of the foll...,
How should you place a kick bar,
Explain how you would gate trap h...
74  cards
Sheep Health AHW
What are the dangers with working...,
Explain how to catch sheep,
Where is the balance point and ho...
47  cards
Cats AHW
What are the roles of cats within...,
What are the two,
How have cats evolved
53  cards
What do the following terms mean ...,
What are side cutting pliers used...,
What are notching pliers used for
65  cards
What do the following terms mean ...,
What does watok stand for,
What is the maximum weight a chic...
73  cards
Why do horses need passports,
What age must horses have passports,
What are the 10 principles of cer...
87  cards
What two body systems take priority,
What does each letter stand for i...,
How should you assess airway in cpr
5  cards
What is grass based farming,
What is extensive farming,
What is suckler herds
50  cards
What are the three best breeds fo...,
What are the three best breeds of...,
What are the average weights of d...
42  cards
Outline the steps taken to remove...,
How to hold snake,
How to restrain a snake s head
50  cards
Fluffy Exotics
What are the two different types ...,
What should a rabbit diet consist of,
What should rabbits be vaccinated...
50  cards
What are the three main breeds of...,
What is the main breed of deer fa...,
What dangers are posed
43  cards
What is the average weight of a l...,
What is the average weight of an ...,
What is special about the teeth o...
29  cards
What are three different examples...,
What are some examples of falcons...,
What is falconry
31  cards
What are passarines,
What are the common features of p...,
How do budgies show sex dismorphism
31  cards
What are finfish,
What are the main aquatic species,
What are the different types of s...
60  cards
Why is it important to treat wild...,
What can vets benefit from treati...,
Does the animal welfare act of 20...
16  cards
What are the main roles of modern...,
Why is it good that children see ...,
How do zoos help with conservation
10  cards
What is wildlife rehabilitation,
What are some pros of wildlife re...,
What are some cons of wildlife re...
25  cards
Zoonotic Diseases
What is ringworm,
What is orf,
What is hantavirus
10  cards

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