This class was created by Brainscape user Rachel Crusius. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

Cancer Patho/Pharmacology
25  cards
Oncologic Regimen Design
Regimen design factors,
Toxicity limitations
21  cards
Intro to Cancer Pharmacology
Cell cycle,
Cell cycle specific ccs agents,
Antimetabolites agents phase
59  cards
Med Chem of Chemo Agents
Cell cycle,
26  cards
Targetted Cancer Therapies
Cancer arises from,
Tumor suppressor genes
23  cards
Supportive Cancer Care (Exam 1 Cut Off)
Chemo induced myelosuppression,
Csf pharmacology,
Csf for fn prevention
18  cards
Anti-hormone Therapies/Prostate Cancer
Anti hormone therapies,
Leuprolide goserelin,
Abiraterone acetate
20  cards
Breast Cancer
Breast cancer,
Breast cancer etiology,
Breast cancer factors
34  cards
Chemo Induced N/V
High cinv risk,
Antiemetics for acute cinv,
Corticosteroids for acute cinv
10  cards
Colon Cancer
Non modifiable risk factors for cc,
Modifiable risk factors for cc,
Lynch syndrome
25  cards
Lung Cancer
Local signs symptoms,
Metastases signs symptoms,
33  cards
Antibody Based Cancer Treatment
Antibody basics,
Ig structure,
20  cards
Melanoma (Cut Off for Exam 2)
Abcde of melanoma detection,
Non melanoma bcc
29  cards
Acute Leukemia
Initial presentation,
Hyperuricemia treatment,
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia trea...
18  cards
Multiple Myeloma
Multiple myeloma epidemiology,
Mm patho,
Mm risk factors
20  cards
Cancer Pharmacogenomics
Genetic variations,
Examples of genetic variations,
Possible consequences of genetic ...
21  cards
Nhl clinical presentation,
Nhl labs diagnostic
27  cards
Pain Palliation
Somatic nociceptive pain,
Visceral nociceptive pain,
Neuropathic pain
29  cards
End of Life Care (Exam 3 Cut Off)
Palliative care,
Terminal illness
33  cards

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