735: orthotics and prosthetics

This class was created by Brainscape user Alli Volkens. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

Peripheral Vascular Disease
What are the 3 tunics of the arte...,
In what type of arteries is bp hi...,
What is the function of the lymph...
42  cards
__ of amputations are due to vasc...,
Males are _ times more likely to ...,
What are the 2 most common types ...
35  cards
Vascular Imaging
What is an ankle brachial index abi,
How is an abi performed,
What is considered a significant ...
19  cards
Post-Op Prosthetic Care
What type of treatment offers the...,
What is the primary goal of skill...,
What is the most important thing ...
37  cards
Prosthetic Sockets, Knees, and Feet
Approximately how many new amputa...,
What percentage of amputations ar...,
What percentage of amputations ar...
99  cards
What can be defined as a transpar...,
What can be defined as a prosthes...,
What can be defined as the residu...
5  cards
Gait Deviations in Amputees
In patients with a transtibial pr...,
In patients with a transtibial pr...,
What are four goals in prosthetic...
59  cards
Transtibial Prosthetics
What is the preferred length of t...,
What are the 3 goals post op tran...,
What are the 2 most common contra...
78  cards
Transfemoral Prosthetics
What is the preferred length of t...,
What types of contractures are mo...,
What are 3 strategies used in tra...
66  cards
Lever Arms, Rockers, and GRF's
What are lever arms,
How are lever arms determined,
Define ground reaction force grf
79  cards
Introduction to Orthotics
What is an orthotist,
What is an orthosis,
What are the 4 basic goals of ort...
114  cards
Upper Extremity Orthoses
What are the 5 types of upper ext...,
What are 2 type of hand orthosis ...,
Describe how the opponens orthosi...
17  cards
Spinal Orthoses
What are the 4 types of spinal or...,
What are the 7 types of cervical ...,
When are soft cervical collars ty...
35  cards
LE Orthotic Gait Deviations
What are 6 potential causes to la...,
What are 4 potential causes to ci...,
What are 3 potential causes to an...
12  cards

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735: orthotics and prosthetics

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