(3) pediatric rehabilitation

This class was created by Brainscape user MindMed Official. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Developmental Milestones
In what age is a child expected t...,
In what age is a child expected t...,
In what age is a child expected t...
49  cards
Infantile Reflexes
Stages of reflex age of onset123abc,
What is the expected response whe...,
What is the expected response whe...
43  cards
L1: History Taking in Pediatric Rehabilitation
True or false in a 6y o child a p...,
What is the age of viability,
What will be written in the subje...
50  cards
L2: Physical Examination
______ is an increase in physical...,
True or false when a patient suff...,
Which of the following has the fa...
116  cards
L3: Play
True or false pediatric pts may t...,
The most effective therapy has al...,
This is any spontaneous or organi...
117  cards
S2L1: Neurotherapeutic Approaches (Handling Techniques)
T f in assumptions underlying the...,
T f in assumptions underlying the...,
Strengthening spastic muscles as ...
64  cards
S2L2: Rood's technique
T f margaret rood emphasizes on u...,
T f rood s theory on normalizatio...,
Choose the letters with the corre...
87  cards
S2L3: Reflexes
Stimulus loud noise sudden moveme...,
Stimulus loud noise sudden moveme...,
Stimulus loud noise sudden moveme...
62  cards
S2L4: PT in other settings
A condition that occurs when any ...,
__ 18y o dx c eye conditions in t...,
T f the ff are diagnoses resultin...
60  cards
S3L1: Cerebral Palsy
T f the ff are part of developmen...,
Identify the wrong statementshead...,
Identify the wrong statementshead...
93  cards
S3L2 : Muscular Dystrophies, Hydrocephalus, Chromosomal anomalies
Clinical characteristics of dmd,
T f in dmd fair head control firs...,
Age of onset of dmd
60  cards
S3L3: Spina Bifida part 1
Neural tube defect resulting in v...,
T f spina bifida is when the spin...,
T f males are more affected in sp...
49  cards
S3L3: Spina Bifida part 2
Severe form of congenital hip dis...,
Severe form of congenital hip dis...,
Severe form of congenital hip dis...
59  cards

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(3) pediatric rehabilitation

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