This class was created by Brainscape user Rafi Ahmed. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Define osmolarity,
What is the unit of osmolarity in...,
What 2 factors need to be known t...
153  cards
What is the basic functional unit...,
What is a nephron composed of,
Name the 2 cell layers that separ...
12  cards
List the main benign renal tumours,
Which area of the kidney do fibro...,
Which area of the kidney do adeno...
51  cards
Urinary Incontinence
Define urinary incontinence,
List the main urethral forms of i...,
What happens in overflow incontin...
12  cards
List the main drugs that act on t...,
What effect do diuretics have on ...,
How does oedema arise
47  cards
Glomerulonephritis is non infecti...,
What is the usual mechanism of di...,
What is pyelonephritis
14  cards
Urological Emergencies
Acute urinary retention is an eme...,
List some causes of acute urinary...,
How is acute urinary retention ma...
12  cards
List criteria that the ideal mark...,
Which substance fulfils all the c...,
What is the most widely used mark...
11  cards
Urine in the kidneys ureters and ...,
Which organisms usually colonise ...,
Define uti
45  cards
Kidney Disease
List classic clinical features of...,
The kidney is involved in excreti...,
The kidney is involved in fluid b...
49  cards
Chronic glomerulonephritis is the...,
Glomerulonephritis is caused by i...,
Which aspects of the immune syste...
38  cards
Kidney Failure (ITA)
Which regions cause acute kidney ...,
List causes of pre renal acute ki...,
List causes of renal acute kidney...
7  cards
Dialysis and Transplantation
Which toxins can dialysis remove ...,
Which ion can be infused using di...,
List the components of dialysate
40  cards
Systemic Kidney Disease
What haemodynamic changes does di...,
Which lesions are typical of diab...,
There is no need for renal biopsy...
15  cards
Adverse Drug Reactions
What is the equation for calculat...,
Drugs with a narrow therapeutic w...,
What is involved in phase 1 of dr...
19  cards
Inherited Kidney Disease
Which mode of inheritance autosom...,
Polycystic kidney disease is the ...,
Where is the mutation in polycyst...
16  cards

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2mb renal

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