2. respiratory medicine (lectures)

This class was created by Brainscape user Rassa Kapite. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (50)

Asthma Clinical Features in Adults
What is asthma,
What is an important indicator of...,
What does asthma result in
74  cards
Asthma Clinical Features in Children
Can you have asthma without a wheeze,
What are common symptoms of asthma,
What are key things of asthma
36  cards
Developmental Aspects of Lung Disease
What is morphogenesis,
What is morphology,
What are the stages of lung morph...
71  cards
Pathology of Respiratory Tract Infections
What are different kinds of micro...,
What are primary microorganisms,
What are facultative microorganisms
82  cards
Clinical Features of COPD
What does copd stand up for,
What is copd characterised by,
What is included in the diagnosis...
122  cards
Management of COPD
What is copd,
What is chronic bronchitis,
What is emphysema
70  cards
Pathology of Obstructive Lung Disease
What is localised obstruction,
What can localised obstruction be...,
What are examples of chronic scar...
95  cards
Upper Respiratory Tract Infection
What are some examples of upper r...,
What is laryngitis also known as,
How is bacteria inside us all the...
44  cards
Pulmonary Vascular Disease
What is a pulmonary embolism,
How many hospital admissions are ...,
What can be the consequences of a...
77  cards
Pathology of Lung Cancer
What is the most common cancer to...,
What is the aetiology of lung cancer,
What chemicals can lead to lung c...
82  cards
Clinical Features of Lung Cancer and Staging
What cancer causes the most deaths,
How many cancer deaths are due to...,
What percentage of lung cancer do...
74  cards
Radiology of Lung Cancer and Staging
What percentage of patients with ...,
What do you need to check when lo...,
What are the first 4 things you s...
83  cards
Sleep Apnoea and Neuromuscular Failure
What is sleep apnoea,
What is sleep apnoea usually asso...,
What is a
70  cards
Surgical Management of Lung Cancer
What is the assessment of the pat...,
What needs to be determined to st...,
What are common clinical findings...
65  cards
Asthma Management in Adults
Why is asthma therapy important,
What is wrong with the asthmatic ...,
What are some of the symptoms of ...
36  cards
Asthma Management in Children
What is the most important thing ...,
What can you say about a cure for...,
What are the goals of asthma trea...
54  cards
Lower Respiratory Tract Infection in Children
What infection is associated with a,
What infection is associated with b,
What infection is associated with c
52  cards
Embryology 3
What is a summary for the develop...,
When does folding of the embryo o...,
What does folding give rise to
90  cards
Is the disease burgen from tb glo...,
How are worldwide incidences of t...,
How have tb deaths changed since ...
90  cards
Pleural Disease
What are some clinical findings o...,
What are some possible chest x ra...,
What are some possible ct finding...
75  cards
Pathology of Restrictive Lung Disease
What is the interstitium of the lung,
What is the connective tissue spa...,
How are alveolar epithelial pneum...
105  cards
Lower Respiratory Tract Infection in Adults
What is the uk incidence of pneum...,
What percentage of community acqu...,
What is the mortality of hospital...
54  cards
Cystic Fibrosis 1
What is the most common life shor...,
What kind of inheritance does cf ...,
What is the gene prevalence of cf
51  cards
Cystic Fibrosis 2
What are further issues with cf,
What effect does cf have on the s...,
What may cf do to puberty
27  cards
Cystic Fibrosis 3
What is the most common autosomal...,
How many people have the cf gene,
How many people suffer from cf
80  cards
Smoking Cessation
What is in a fag,
What is the purpose of a fag,
How many chemicals does cigarette...
37  cards
Clinical Features and Management of Restrictive Lung Disease
What is the physiological definit...,
What is a marker of restriction,
What are causes of restriction
37  cards
What is salbutamol,
What is terbutaline,
What is salmeterol
38  cards
What is asthma characterised by,
Is bronchitis common,
Presentation of bronchitis
110  cards
What does copd stand for,
What is copd,
Which gender gets copd
83  cards
Developmental Aspects of Lung Disease COPY
Stages of lung development,
Where do the lungs develop from,
What are the lung tubes filled wi...
37  cards
Respiratory Tract Infection
Types of microorganism pathogenicity,
What is primary pathogenicity,
What is facultative pathogenicity
159  cards
Obstructive Airway Diseases
What are the obstructive airway d...,
What are chronic bronchitis and e...,
What is fev1
37  cards
Lung Cancer
Another name for lung cancer,
Causes of lung cancer,
What of lung cancer is attributab...
88  cards
Tuberculosis COPY
If you have what then you are mor...,
Where are the tb incidence rates ...,
Causative organisms of tb
46  cards
Smoking Cessation COPY
Average years lost by tobacco,
Smoking related cancers,
Smoking causes other illnesses
6  cards
Pleural Disease COPY
What is the pleura,
Layers of the pleura,
What is the pleura lubricated by
87  cards
Cystic Fibrosis
Inheritance of cf,
Gene prevalence of cf,
Features of cf gene
50  cards
Restrictive (Interstitial) Lung Diseases
What is the interstitium of the lung,
Features of restrictive diffuse i...,
Presentation of diffuse lung disease
88  cards
Non Lung Cancer Thoracic Surgery
What is an abscess,
Causes of lung abscess,
What may happen if the pus from t...
53  cards
Microbiological Diagnosis of Chest Infection
Diagnostic techniques for patient...,
What does mc s stand for,
Example of a normal upper respira...
21  cards
Pulmonary Vascular Disease COPY
What happens in pulmonary embolism,
Major risk factors for vte,
Presentation of pe
27  cards
Sleep Apnoea and Neuromuscular Respiratory Failure
What is obstructive sleep apnoea,
What is osa associated with,
What is apnoea
59  cards
Acid Base Disturbances
What happens to give rise to a re...,
What can happen in respiratory ac...,
Causes of respiratory acidosis
23  cards
Microbiological diagnosis of Chest Infection COPY
What are the diagnostic technique...,
What are the key aspects of micro...,
What are the significant major re...
33  cards
Restrictive (Interstitial) Lung Diseases COPY
What is interstitium,
Describe the relationship between...,
What is the material which impede...
55  cards
Lower respiratory tract infections - children
What is tracheitis,
What is the incidence of bronchio...,
Incidence of lrti
41  cards
Further Issues in Cystic Fibrosis
What staff are included in the mu...,
What is the effect of cf on sexua...,
What is the effect of cf on ferti...
11  cards
Non-operative Management of Lung Cancer
What type of lung cancer makes up...,
What are the types of non small c...,
What type of cancer ma
40  cards
Non - Lung Cancer Thoracic Surgery In The Lung
What are the causes of lung abscess,
What eventually fills the space o...,
What is the cause of foul smellin...
19  cards

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2. respiratory medicine (lectures)

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