This class was created by Brainscape user Umayr Yaqub. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Tooth Development 2
When and where is hard tissue for...,
What happens to the short columna...,
What happens to the cells adjacen...
15  cards
Dental Enamel
What does the enamel do,
Why are younger teeth whiter,
Where is enamel thickest
33  cards
Enamel - Prismatic structure
How many and how are crystallites...,
In longitudinal sections how are ...,
In cross section how are the enam...
17  cards
Lines in enamel
What happens as the enamel matrix...,
What are incremental lines in sec...,
What are the 2 types of increment...
10  cards
Why is the dentine that covers th...,
What does the deep surface of den...,
Which tissue has a thicker crown ...
95  cards
Dentine Microstructure
Dentinal tubules morphology where...,
What is dentine location between ...,
Where is peritubular dentine depo...
26  cards
Dentine formation + mineralisation
When does dentine formation begin,
What do odontoblasts lay down,
Where is the most recently formed...
16  cards
Dentine - Ish'aaq
Describe the regional variation i...,
Give 3 chemical properties of den...,
Give 3 physical properties of den...
35  cards
Dental pulp
What is the dental pulp,
Where is the coronal pulp found,
Where is the radicular pulp found
33  cards
What is cementum,
What is the role of cementum,
How is cementum formed
38  cards
Alveolar bone
What bones form the upper and low...,
What is the part of the maxillary...,
What bones are on either side of ...
27  cards
Periodontal Ligament
What are the 4 connective tissues...,
What do the connective tissue hav...,
What forms the epithelial collar ...
33  cards
Salivary Glands
How many pairs of salivary glands...,
Describe the parotid gland,
Describe the submandibular gland
47  cards

More about
1 - ioe - dental anatomy

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Learn faster with Brainscape on your web, iPhone, or Android device. Study Umayr Yaqub's 1 - IOE - Dental Anatomy flashcards for their The University of Leeds class now!

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